‘Seasonal Soulful Sundays’ – Spring Awakening
‘As sleeping women wake, mountains move’ (Chinese proverb)
The sap is rising, arousing the senses and urging creation. Where is your ‘yes’ wanting to manifest? As we arrive at the Spring Equinox we honour this time of renewal with movement to gently stir our life force whilst inviting mythology, imagination and meditation to connect us to our unique place of ‘yes’ and what supports us to initiate and bring forth that which we wish to be and see in the world.
In modern western culture, sight is our dominant sense and how things look is of prime importance yet being held to the ideal of ‘maiden’ springlike beauty and vitality can seriously curtail the joy of being in an ageing body!
Coming to our inner experience through movement, creativity, sound or silence can bring us home to what lifts our heart. Cyclical wisdom reveals cycles within cycles, the monthly new moon, the daily incoming tide and our own moment by moment inhalation contain the rising energy that is life’s invitation to reclaim our spirit for new growth. Each are teachers reminding us springtime belongs to all, regardless of age, encouraging us to explore what stirs the ‘yes’ within and ask us to reclaim that which makes us feel alive. From the ground of this embodied ‘yes’ place/space we can choose reconnection with the sleeping parts of ourselves that yearn to reach out for what we want both for ourselves and the world, knowing that our blossoming of self blessing invites the same in others.
This will be a relaxed afternoon with a small friendly group in the comfort of our fully equipped space. Herbal teas and delicious snacks provided. £30.00 booking essential by email to ALI
Future ‘Seasonal Soulful Sunday’ dates: July 2nd / September 24th / December 10th
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