Homage to Hips
Hips! They hold our stories and our judgements, too wide, too narrow, too stiff. But have you given time to listen to what your hips are telling you? |
Join me for a delicious somatic movement session where we’ll slow down and use simple, satisfying practices to explore hips: their relationship to stability and mobility, their relationship to ground and space through your legs and your spine. SOMA describes ‘the body experienced from within’, and reminds us body is not something we have, but where we experience ourselves. Rather than imposing shapes or answers on our hips we’ll bring questions, curiosity and compassion as to how our body carry’s the stories of our life. Practiced (mostly)lying on mats this practice helps you get back in touch with your body through simple satisfying movement. Taking attention to our inner experience, our movement enquiry can bring new awareness to patterns of stored tension that often underlie pain and discomfort. With insight and a savvy understanding of how the body releases these tensions, a somatic approach works simply but deeply to help us understand what our body needs. I look froward to welcoming you to the delightful, fully equipped space of The Soma Rooms in Chepstow for this small group session. |
£20.00 BOOKING ESSENTIAL ali@thesomarooms.co.uk |
Future dates for ‘Movement Matters’ sessions NOVEMBER 5TH / DECEMBER 3rd |
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